Free Guide - Top Construction Workforce Challenges for 2024

Learn about the labor challenges throughout 2024 for hiring, managing and growing construction workforces.

The construction industry’s outlook is promising with forecasted growth for the next four years, thanks in part to an influx in federal funds. The US government has invested a trillion dollars in infrastructure alone – e.g., roads, bridges, railways and internet - via the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. But the labor shortage will continue, making taking on more jobs a challenge for many contractors.

Read this guide to learn how to meet the top workforce challenges for 2024, including:

  • Workers expecting higher wages.
  • Lack of qualified workers.
  • Competing with other industries for workers.
  • Convincing young people to get into construction.
  • Bigger need for specialized skills.
HR software could be the solution to these challenges, especially when it comes to hiring and training workers. Get your free guide now.

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2024 Construction Challenges